Are we finding our quarantine groove?

Are we finding our quarantine groove?

Do you know what one of our least favorite terms is? "The New Normal" While the sentiment is clear, adapting to the present situation, adaptation is the most human of attributes. How else can you explain that people still consider themselves fans of the Detroit Lions....they lower their expectations and get by. #sigh

Enough of that, like the rest of us, we are finding our way through each day. The kids are fully engaged in the online learning process, but it can only go so far towards replacing the classroom atmosphere. They miss their friends but are getting by with Zoom and FaceTime calls. Just like their parents.

On to the good stuff.

We returned to "Modern Family" recently and saw the series out to the finish. It was well worth it. We have picked up "Brooklyn 99" and think it could fit into the pantheon of previous series like "Parks and Recreation" and "The Good Place".

Without sports, Nate has plowed through both seasons of "Sunderland, Til I Die" on Netflix and highly recommends it! The series captures the connection between city and club in the Northeast of England.  He also watched the HORSE tourney on ESPN. #anysportinastorm 

On the movie front, we all enjoyed "Onward" and we are attempting to expand the kids horizons by watching "Casablanca". We shall see.

Food is always important in our household and with ample time to plan now we have attempted homemade croissants, gnocchi, pita and snickerdoodles while returning to some old favorite recipes from Jamie Oliver and the Barefoot Contessa. Luckily, we have also been putting in numerous hours on the Peloton or we would be the poster children for the "Quarantine Fifteen"

Anyway, these are the best things we saw online this week:

SNL nailed the Zoom call

Rex Chapman is a fantastic follow on Twitter

Brandi Carlile's heartfelt tribute to John Prine.

Be safe.




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